New policies regarding my creations :D
Hi All,
Creation Policies .......
Just to let you all know, you may use any of my Sims 3 objects, Patterns and Terrains in any of your lots, screenshots & stories on any Sims site you wish.
All I ask is that you give me credit for anything that I have created. And I would like to ask, if it is possible, could you please provide a link back to my original creation that you have used.
The same rules apply to my Sims 2 Wallpapers and floors.
My Lots/houses may not be shared in any way or claimed to be your builds.
I am also a member of The Sims Resource Artist Alliance. (TSRAA). Regarding TSRAA, please give me credit when using my creations.
Thankyou for respecting my wishes, Happy Simming!
Other News.......
I am no longer limiting my creations just to TSR. I will now be uploading my creations on the official Sims 3 site too. You will also start seeing my creations hosted on various other Sims sites as well. Yay!! Let's spread the!!
I am also currently working on hosting my own website, which is called 'Timeline Sims'. More information will be posted in due course about this :)
Kindest Wishes
Simonetta. x